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Today may be International Women’s Day, but at Higgidy we celebrate women all year round.

40% of our 300-strong team are women – including two Department Directors and a Head of Department who sit on our Leadership board, alongside our founder, Camilla.

We’re also pleased to say that we’re currently one of a growing number of businesses with a Gender Pay Report that demonstrates a pay parity between our male and female team members.

As mentioned, Higgidy was also founded by an inspiring woman – Camilla Stephens, whose love of food has been a driving force behind her whole career.

Leaving college halfway through her A-levels to attend Leiths School of Food & Wine, Camilla spent a few years working with their catering company, developing delicious new recipes and perfecting her cookery skills. Skills that she later took to Justin de Blank delicatessen and Good Housekeeping magazine.

After three years of food writing and editing, Camilla then went travelling in America, where she fell in love with coffee. A love that continued upon her return to the UK, where she took an opportunity to work with industry-leading business, Seattle Coffee Company, developing their food offering. When the Seattle Coffee Company was taken over by Starbucks, Camilla’s expertise was recognised, being asked to stay and develop Starbuck’s food range.

After a short while, Camilla went freelance and, two years later in 2003, inspired by her family’s love of her culinary creations, Higgidy was born. 16 years (and whole lot of pastry) later, the same vision which inspired the first handmade pie in her kitchen at home, is still going strong.